Medicapteurs Podologie, Posturologie et Rééducation, foot pressure plates


Development of specific and tailor made products.  Medicapteurs team brings now how and mastership of high technology to fit to your project

in the field of pressure distribution measurements and postural analysis.

Customized platforms: all our platforms and associated software can be personalized according to your specific applications including your company image,

logo, graphic chart.

Here is an extensive list of completed applications:


  • Biomechanics: Adaptation of our pressure captors' matrix on all the force platforms on the market.


  • Elite Sports: Analysis of abilities performance and of man/machine connections (golf, horse back riding, sport shooting, ski)


  • Ergonomics: Devices to assist in the design and validation of mattress, seats, braces…. The precision and quality of our captors combined with our personalized software is amajor asset for successfully accomplishing your goals and objectives.Do not hesitate to contact us to submit us your projects.