Medicapteurs Podologie, Posturologie et Rééducation, foot pressure plates


The best quality foot pressure plate.


Exceptionnal quality of results, ready for research


Low pressure threshold sensors provide unmatched precision for children gait analysis and diabetic foot assessment

Wide Dynamic Range of Measurements

No captor overload even for high pressure values

Precision and Homogeneity

WIN-POD: the Bench mark in podometry

Designed according to professional requirements

WIN-POD is a technology measurement device which contributes to an accurate diagnosis

Always one step ahead

WIN-POD is the result of more than 30 years of joint effort with foot experts

Advanced technology

New generation of calibrated extra thin sensors- Unprecedented precison and measurement quality- USB electronics


Direct connection to portable computers- No gait lab is necessary

State of the art design

Our expertise allows to match performance with design

Medicapteurs Excellence :

The dynamic measurement of our sensors, which is the difference between the lowest and the highest detectable pressure is unmatched. In comparison, “low grade” devices clearly show early pressure overloads of the captors during dynamic analysis (demonstrated by oversized red areas on the foot pressure map) whereas our sensors allow to visualize minute pressures from only 10’s grams/cm² to high pressures of several kilos/cm².



Mechanical Features
Size (Length * Width * Height) 530 * 600 * 45 mm
Thickness 4 mm
Weight 13,3 lb
Electronic Features
Sensing area  400 * 400 mm
Sensors Resistive calibred
Sensors size 8 * 8 mm
Sensors thickness 0,15 mm
Number of sensors 2304 l.e. 48 * 48
Acceptable temparature de – 40 °C à + 85 ° C
Min to max pressure per sensor de 0,4 N à 100 N
Sampling rate 300 images / second
Plateform computer interface USB and Wifi
Power supply USB or Lth battery
Required operating system Windows Seven,8,10


Foot positioning guides

Carrying case



  • Win-pod software


Powerfull , ergonomic design and full options software

WIN-POD software is the result of Medicapteurs’ 30 years of experience in developing specific software for the field of podiatry.

user friendly WIN-POD software provides the latest tools for podometry data analysis (such as multi steps acquisition, analysis per foot area, “impulse” mapping, and video) and expand your report presentation (personalized report, message editing, emailing, inserting pictures…).

  • Static Foot pressure mapping with calculation in foot areas
  • Multiple visualization modes (thermographic, isopressure, percentage, 3D…)
  • Exams comparisons

  • Multi steps acquisition
  • Recording up to 300 images/second
  • Global dynamic image, calculations, and graphs
  • Mosaic view of foot pressure distributions during the gait cycle, analysis per area
  • Multiple parameters to assess the evolution of loading forces on the foot
  • Video : automatic synchro between pressure and film (webcam, digital camera)

Numeric and graphic analysis of stabilometry parameters

  • Scale 1:1 printing
  • Personalized report